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Server Information

Status: Online
Players online: 12
Client: 8.60
Download OTClient
Version 1.03c
(Recommended x5 exp+loot)

Leatrix Latency Fix Download 8.6 Client


1. Ashanentil Lv. 175288
2. Realwarwick Lv. 172356
3. Oliver Gazos Lv. 169533

In-Game Commands

Command Type Command List

Player Commands

!spells Display spell list.

!looting In-game auto looting.
!premium Display a list of premium features.
!redeem Redeems reward tokens after you make a donation.
!online Display players online.
!uptime Display server uptime.
!frags Display unjustified kills.
!outfit Outfit saving.
!title Title selection.

Guild Commands

!g Broadcasts a message to your entire guild.

!gonline Displays guild members that are online.
!guildlist guildname Displays a list of all guilds, and a member list for a specific guild. (Leave blank for a list of all guilds.)
!createguild desiredname Creates a guild.
!joinguild desiredname Joins a guild.
!leaveguild Leaves a guild. (must be typed in guild channel)
!commands Displays a list of guild commands. (must be typed in guild channel)
!guildexp Displays the remaining time on your guilds bonus experience. (must be typed in guild channel)

House Commands

alevo grav Buys a house. (look at the front door)

!house buy Buys a house. (look at the front door)
alito som "playername Sells the house you are standing in.
!house sell "playername Sells the house you are standing in.
alana sio "playername Teleport player out of house.
!kick guest "playername Teleport player out of house.
aleta grav Open door invite list. (look at the door)
!door list Open door invite list. (look at the door)
aleta sio Open house invite list.
!guest list Open house invite list.
aleta som Open house subowner list.
!sub list Open house subowner list.
alito sio Disbands house.
!house buy Disbands house.