DeathZot - Terms

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Server Information

Status: Online
Players online: 8
Client: 8.60
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Version 1.03c
(Recommended x5 exp+loot)

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1. Ashanentil Lv. 179009
2. Realwarwick Lv. 172356
3. Oliver Gazos Lv. 169533
Donation Terms

All content made available for public use, does not require any type of payment, or subscription of any kind. In order to maintain and improve our development and services, members are welcome and invited to make a donation in support of DeathZot Server Project.

To be able to maintain a fair system for all involved parties, there are a few rules to consider before donating. Upon choosing to donate to DeathZot Server Project, it is understood that any transaction made concerns a donation made at free will.

Donations- and gifts can never be addressed or seen as any type of purchase, or payment. One's individual intentions to purely make a donation towards DeathZot Server Project to obtain a gift or gifts in particular, does not change the principles of our donation policy.

After making a donation to DeathZot Server Project, a pre-mentioned amount of reputation is automatically credited to the account used for making the donation. Reputation can optionally be used to choose certain gifts as token of our gratitude for supporting DeathZot Server Project.

All donations made to DeathZot Server Project are final and irreversible, so are chosen gifts.

Chosen gifts may never be returned or exchanged, unless a server sided flaw or error occurred. Issues should be reported within 24 hours of occurrence to the Admins via Private Message.

Sending gifts to any character via our website is considered to be done in full knowledge and understanding of actions. Therefore sending is not reversible: Once chosen and confirmed to send a gift to any in game character, gifts cannot be changed, refunded, swapped or resent anymore, in case of user mistake. To protect our members from making mistakes, an extra confirmation has to be made before the final sending In case of temporarily or permanent suspension, no claims regarding previously made donations and/or gifts can be made.

Donation gifts are considered personal. Under no circumstances we allow re-selling of gifts
In case one chooses to spend the given reputation points on any gift, and an attempt of back charge of the donation is issued, the related account(s) and IP address(es) will be immediately and permanently blocked from our services without questions asked.

Be aware that further investigations and/or actions regarding fraud may be taken.

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